Gallery 7 - The Arts
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Kate Mulvany - Griffin Theatre "Mr Bailey's Minder" 2006
Bruce Spence in Louis Nowra's "The Marvellous Boy"
Griffin Theatre Company
Griffin Theatre
production of “Holding the Man” by
Tommy Murphy - 2006 directed
by David Berthold
Sam Dunn & Anthony Phelan in "Strangers in Between"
Griffin Theatre Company - 2005
Stephen Dupont, Australian Centre
for Photography
- 2004
Pippa Grandison in full flight in "Tragedy a Tragedy"
by Hair of the Dog Theatre Company
and novelist Alex Buzo 1944 - 2006
on Shellcove Road
set in 1989 with cast members
(left to right) David Downer and
Kirrily Nolan